Disclaimer: This story occurs in the world of amateur (ham) radio. Due to the purpose of the amateur radio service, outlined in FCC Part §97.1 in the US and regulated similarly in the rest of the world overseen by the ITU, users of the service have no privacy. All licensed operators are required to identify themselves with a callsign assigned by their government regulating body periodically–usually every 10 or 15 minutes depending on the country. These callsigns are a matter of public record and can be used to find a ham’s name, address, license class, and other identifying information. Any form of obfuscation is also prohibited by law (at least in the US). For this reason, I have intentionally changed the names, callsigns, and possibly even nationalities of everyone involved in this incident. This is especially important because (spoiler alert) my findings as of this writing are both speculative and inconclusive.

The alert

Like many incidents, this one began with an email. Atypically, this email wasn’t a a spear phishing request to change payment information, or some low-effort phishing link that has another link to a blurred-out screenshot of a word document with a prompt for O365 credentials, or an invoice that “needs” the user to run the macro. This email was from Gene, a local packet radio user, to my personal email address. The email read something like this:

Hey, I see N0SUS connected to your BBS the other day. He connected to mine too. Bill, with minimal snark, called him “Tim the foreign spy” and suggested I block his callsign on my node. If you are curious, you should ask Bill about him. I blocked him on my node but feel free to do whatever you like on yours. I just thought I’d let you know.

Background - A quick packet radio and packet BBS primer

At this point, none of the rest of this is going to make much sense without some background on packet radio. If you know what it is, skip to the next section. Packet radio was developed as a way to transmit ASCII text on the amateur radio bands as a potential replacement for Baudot radio teletype (RTTY). Packet Radio is officially known as the AX.25 protocol and is derived from X.25 and has support for using amateur radio callsigns and a SSID (Supplemental Station ID) for identification. Development began in the early 1980s. Sadly, some of the regulations from that era are still holding back development of digital protocols in amateur radio. For instance, the FCC imposes a 300 symbol/second rate limit on the high frequency (3-30MHz) bands, and even on higher bands with more bandwidth, symbol rate limits are still applied. This really stifles innovation, but that’s a different discussion.

AX.25 actually predates the OSI model so it slots into different layers depending on how it is used. It’s even possible to use as the data link layer for TCP/IP, however in the lower bands it’s prohibitively slow due to symbol rate limits. It’s also possible and much more common to wrap AX.25 inside an IP or UDP tunnel to connect over long distances over the internet.

Currently the most popular use of AX.25 is APRS. APRS is most often used for position reporting, but can also be used to send device telemetry, weather data, or SMS messages that are forwarded to the cellular network. Most APRS traffic is “broadcast” traffic meaning there is no intended recipient. Normally this is not allowed in amateur radio, but there is an exception for telemetry data and this system works very well. APRS usually uses the 2 meter band and propegation is line of sight, so traffic, even using digipeating from more than 100 miles away is very uncommon.

Another common packet radio network uses AX.25 in connected mode and NET/ROM nodes to route traffic. A good analogy would be a virtual circuit over the radio. A node is somewhat analogous to a router in that it knows routes to other nodes and can establish connections to another node or user in the network at the user’s request. Nodes can also host applications. Common applications include a BBS, a chat server that can link to chat servers on other nodes, a Winlink gateway, or even a text-mode game.

Packet BBSs are a little different from dial-up BBSs in that they are able to connect to each other via their underlying nodes. This allows for the forwarding of messages from one BBS to another using either RF links, AXIP, or AXUDP over the internet. BBS messages use a hierarchical address scheme to route a message back to a user’s home BBS. The format goes something like this: CALL@HOME_BBS_CALLSIGN.#CITY_OR_REGION.STATE_OR_PROVINCE.COUNTRY.CONTINENT. For example, someone in Minneapolis, MN with the callsign (made up for this example) might have the address of N0PE@N0CAL.#MSP.MN.USA.NOAM BBS systems have routes configured based on their links available and will try to choose the route as close to the user’s callsign as possible. For example if a user were sending a message to the address above, and the sending BBS had a route for MN.USA.NOAM to another Minnesota node, it would send there. If the message was coming from a BBS in Europe, the sending node may only have a route to USA.NOAM or WW (WW is world-wide) so it would forward the message using that route.

Hopefully, with that background, the rest of the story makes sense.

Initial checks

After receiving Gene’s email I was very curious and immediately had several questions.

  1. Who is this Tim guy?
  2. Why do people think he may be a “spy” or have malicious intent?
  3. What do I do about it?

I could just skip to 3 and add Tim’s callsign to my BBS configuration as an excluded user, but I wanted to see what kind of suspicious activity was going on first. If this guy ends up being harmless it would be a shame to block him from using my node and BBS as it would limit his ability to send or forward messages to other hams in my area or region who might be interested in communicating with him.

My first order of business was to check that Tim actually connected to my node. I logged in to the interface and looked at the users. I could see Tim connected to my node about a year ago and created an account to use my BBS. He also set his home BBS to a BBS in South America. Tim is not from South America, so the South American home BBS is a little unusual, but creating accounts and configuring a home BBS is a pretty normal activity when exploring packet networks. That home BBS setting helps messages get routed back to you automatically. Next I logged in to my Graylog server. I had already set both my node/BBS software and Direwolf, my software AX.25 modem, to log everything and I had those logs shipped to Graylog. Sending the Direwolf output is the equivalent of a packet capture so there is quite a bit of traffic, but it has come in extremely handy when troubleshooting connection issues. I did find Tim’s callsign in my BBS logs from back when he created the account, but nothing since. His call did show up quite often in my Direwolf logs on my HF interface. Since my HF port can reach most of the continental US if the sun and atmosphere are behaving, this is also pretty normal as well. Several of the packets with his call were what are called “Mail For” packets. Those are periodic notifications that a message is waiting to be read on a BBS. If forwarding is working properly, only the user’s home BBS should be sending those “Mail For” packets. I was seeing them from several BBSs across the US meaning either there are some misconfigured routes (probable) or he is excluded from lots of BBSs which also seems probable.

OSINT research

Not seeing anything overly damning, I sent a message to Bill, who is probably the most experienced packet node/BBS sysop in the area. He has a reputation for being very helpful and is well known in the local community of packet radio users and, like many hams, exchanges messages with other packet users around the country and world and always knows what is going on. Bill quickly replied that he was traveling out of state and had a spotty connection, but he would send more info when he got home the next day.

I didn’t really want to wait a day so I put Tim’s callsign in a search engine to see if I could find anything there. The first thing I found was that Tim used to be an employee of the government of his home country back in the 1990s. As part of his work with the government he was sending messages on various amateur radio mailing lists and BBS messages. Sometimes these messages were related to his work in the government, and sometimes they were more political in nature. There is no law against political discussions on the radio, although it’s frowned upon, but these were all internet messages so, again nothing indicating he may be a “spy.”

A little further down in my search, I found something a little more unusual. It was on an APRS message board and a user had noticed a packet on the network from Tim’s callsign. He noticed Tim was from a different continent and wondered how this was possible. With the help of some other forum users he was able to track down what happened. Tim connected to a packet node in the area over an internet (AXIP or AXUDP) link and was exploring the networks available to the node. He didn’t realize that node also had a port for serving the APRS network and he accidentally connected out over that port.

The next day Bill got back to me and confirmed what I had already discovered. Tim spends a crazy amount of time connecting to packet nodes and BBSs in North America. He often leaves messages for the BBS owners but then is never heard from again. He also mentioned his suspicious South American BBS address. I guess the snark in the “spy” remark was a bit more than minimal.

Putting on the tinfoil hat

I wouldn’t be any good at infosec if I didn’t recognize that there is always value in reconnaissance. Packet radio networks are interconnected with the public internet and private LANs all over the place, so it really is a border network with connections to other networks that may be of more interest.

  1. Packet radio networks are often built for more than just the enjoyment of their users. Many local and statewide networks are also expressly built for passing traffic in emergencies and have rules regarding emergency traffic. I’m personally responsible for an ongoing project to install packet radio stations in our county’s emergency response center and emergency response trailer. Many other government agencies in my state already have similar capabilities because my state has a statewide emergency packet radio network expressly designed to pass messages around the state in case regular public networks become unavailable. The stations I am responsible for are designed to be connected to the internet (via a guest VLAN) for system and application updates. It’s entirely possible that a misconfiguration in the future could put these systems on the county’s private LAN. I can’t speak for other government agencies, hospitals, or others on the network but it’s fair to guess some of them are connected directly to the private LAN. If a vulnerability were to exist in the client, node, or BBS software, it may be possible to gain access to a government or hospital network.

  2. Winlink. Winlink is a global radio email system whose stated purpose is also emergency communications. Realistically it gets more use from sailors or hams practicing it’s use on nets, but it has been used in hurricane relief efforts and other more localized disaster response. I’ve used it to send email from the Boundary Waters Canoe Area where there is no internet or cellular service. Winlink can use packet as one of it’s many supported modes, and it is often accessible from packet networks as some BBS software also supports Winlink gateway functionality. Like the emcomm packet networks in point 1, Winlink is also used by government agencies, hospitals, and emergency responders. As you can probably guess from the name, Winlink focuses their development efforts on Windows. While they officially allow other systems, their development and support practices are actively hostile to any software other than their official RMS (server) and Winlink Express (yes, as in Outlook Express) client. While I’d never deploy any critical system on Windows, plenty of people do or risk the unhelpful “use the official server/client” response when looking for help. As a Winlink sysop myself (running non-official open source gateway and client software) I am required to follow their mailing list. I can say with high confidence that a good percentage of Winlink nodes are running unsupported and/or unpatched versions of Windows. Windows updates have a nasty habit of taking Winlink RMS servers down and when the recovery may involve driving to the top of a mountain to a tower site to troubleshoot, I can understand (but not agree with) the choice to forcibly disable Windows updates or run old versions. The Winlink mailing lists are full of “helpful” tips on how to disable Windows Update or suggestions to downgrade to Windows 7. Winlink nodes are listed on Winlink’s website, but additional information about the software they are running is available upon connecting to them so this type of reconnaissance may help find vulnerable systems to attack in the future.

  3. APRS, as mentioned earlier, is primarily used to beacon location information and telemetry. Most of this information is available online, but in a geopolitically unstable situation that location information could be extremely valuable. Volunteerism and disaster response/recovery are a big part of the hobby, and knowing where responders are located and headed may be useful.

He’s not a spy

Even though there may be valuable information to be gathered from packet networks, it seems pretty unlikely that Tim is really a spy. I’m suspecting he is a retired government employee whose hobby is exploring packet networks. Here’s why:

  1. Tim’s government assigns callsigns. If he really were a spy, his government could mint lots of callsigns for him to use so his activities wouldn’t arouse so much suspicion. His government connections might even be able to have someone in North America get licensed and then give that callsign to Tim to use. Using his foreign callsign is just too loud for actual spying

  2. Everything on the ham bands is open, unobfuscated, and unencrypted. Commercial use of the ham bands is forbidden by law. There isn’t much valuable traffic to monitor, so other than reconnaissance or spreading propeganda there isn’t much for an actual spy to do.

  3. Even though I made a case for reconnaissance as a possiblity above, Tim’s behavior is way too loud to be doing that effectively. Classic signals inteligence techniques could gather most of the information about systems on the high frequency bands just by watching regular users interact with the systems. Much of the analysis could be automated through the use of SDRs running decoders where systems of interest could be located and information parsed and stored with standard analysis tools. For a more active approach which would be needed for localized VHF and UHF traffic, creating accounts all over and sending messages would not be required. Simply connecting, exploring the system a bit and moving on would allow information gathering without alerting sysops to suspicious activity.

Responding to the incident

At the end of the day, my packet node exists for other hams to use. I haven’t seen any egregious activity, but I have seen suspicious activity. I’ve decided the best course of action is to allow access for now and continue to monitor the situation. Since my BPQ logs and raw packets from Direwolf are already going to Graylog, I have set up an alert to monitor for Tim’s callsign, excluding Mail For packets, with a daily interval. The alert forwards the message via a webhook to a little Python script I put together that runs in Docker. The Python script strips and replaces Tim’s callsign and my callsign with “N0SUS” and “N0CALL” respectively. It then uses Github’s API to update this post and append any new logs to the end. Once the changes are committed, the CI/CD integration automatically updates this Hugo site and the logs are published here.

A little about the script

The webhooktohugo script I wrote for this post is not terribly useful in real life. Almost nobody uses Graylog in production, and I did have to hack around a few idiosyncrasies there. No real company would be crazy enough to publish output from their SEIM to a Hugo site either, so it may seem like I wasted a few hours writing and debugging the script. In reality, this script is more of a tech demonstrator/base platform for other automations I may do in the future. I’ve honestly spent more time fighting with the assumptions built in to Splunk Phantom’s design to accomplish extremely simple tasks than it took to hack this script together. My hope is that I can use this as a base to build out more complex automations in my professional life.

The Logs

The logs and packet captures from BPQ and Direwolf are below for your enjoyment:

2022-11-28T21:20:49.402Z - [0] N0SUS>KA0PND-1:(RR res, n(r)=3, f=1)

2022-11-28T21:20:52.404Z - N0SUS audio level = 93(38/43) [NONE]

2022-11-28T21:21:07.406Z - N0SUS audio level = 94(37/42) [NONE]

2022-11-28T21:21:13.412Z - [0] N0SUS>KA0PND-1:(UA res, f=1)

2022-12-02T20:11:40.523Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(37/42) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:11:54.527Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR res, n(r)=0, f=1)

2022-12-02T20:12:26.541Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(39/43) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:12:51.546Z - N0SUS audio level = 88(38/44) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:13:36.562Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(I cmd, n(s)=0, n(r)=1, p=1, pid=0xf0)Hello Bill, here is N0SUS,

2022-12-02T20:13:59.569Z - N0SUS audio level = 93(35/45) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:14:36.587Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-02T20:14:59.598Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(35/42) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:15:03.601Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(36/41) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:15:45.620Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-02T20:16:05.627Z - N0SUS audio level = 90(37/44) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:16:27.631Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-02T20:16:46.641Z - N0SUS audio level = 90(36/44) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:17:03.972Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-02T20:17:22.988Z - N0SUS audio level = 90(34/42) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:17:36.991Z - N0SUS audio level = 93(37/41) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:17:58.995Z - N0SUS audio level = 94(38/42) [NONE]

2022-12-02T20:18:04.998Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-02T20:18:27.004Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:25:09.316Z - N0SUS audio level = 93(36/41) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:25:17.329Z - [0] KC0FGJ>N0SUS:(I cmd, n(s)=0, n(r)=0, p=0, pid=0xf0)Hello from Bill in Spur, TX<0x0d>

2022-12-03T16:26:02.338Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:26:13.346Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(36/43) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:26:24.350Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:26:42.354Z - N0SUS audio level = 94(34/41) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:26:52.358Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(I cmd, n(s)=0, n(r)=1, p=1, pid=0xf0)Hello Bill, here is N0SUS,

2022-12-03T16:27:06.361Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(39/42) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:27:13.363Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(37/44) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:27:35.368Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:27:57.373Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:28:34.378Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:28:59.381Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(36/44) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:30:43.408Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:31:04.414Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:31:29.417Z - N0SUS audio level = 93(36/43) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:31:32.418Z - N0SUS audio level = 96(37/39) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:31:48.422Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:32:11.430Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(39/42) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:32:21.435Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(38/41) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:32:44.441Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:32:59.446Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(I cmd, n(s)=0, n(r)=1, p=1, pid=0xf0)Hello Bill, here is N0SUS,

2022-12-03T16:33:20.452Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:33:45.461Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:34:16.470Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:34:31.472Z - N0SUS audio level = 95(36/41) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:35:26.482Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:35:41.485Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:36:10.494Z - N0SUS audio level = 90(36/43) [NONE]

2022-12-03T16:37:20.500Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:37:58.512Z - [0] N0SUS>KC0FGJ:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-03T16:38:16.515Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(38/44) [NONE]

2022-12-08T19:15:08.310Z - [0] N0SUS>NV4B-1:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-08T19:15:11.311Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(I cmd, n(s)=0, n(r)=0, p=1, pid=0xf0)[EASYTERM-0.49B]<0x0d><0x0d>There are 1 available message(s) of 9.<0x0d><0x0d>ENTER COMMAND: B,K,L,R

2022-12-08T19:15:24.327Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(UA res, f=1)

2022-12-08T19:15:32.334Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(UA res, f=1)

2022-12-08T19:15:47.343Z - N0SUS audio level = 93(39/43) [NONE]

2022-12-08T19:16:03.349Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-08T19:16:39.363Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(I cmd, n(s)=0, n(r)=0, p=1, pid=0xf0)[EASYTERM-0.49B]<0x0d><0x0d>There are 1 available message(s) of 9.<0x0d><0x0d>ENTER COMMAND: B,K,L,R

2022-12-08T19:16:56.371Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-08T19:17:12.707Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(I cmd, n(s)=1, n(r)=0, p=1, pid=0xf0),S or Help ><0x0d>

2022-12-08T19:17:40.722Z - [0] N0SUS>NV4B-1:(RR res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2022-12-08T19:17:45.733Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(37/41) [NONE]

2022-12-08T19:17:54.746Z - [0] N0SUS>NV4B-1:(RR cmd, n(r)=2, p=1)

2022-12-08T19:18:09.751Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(RR res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2022-12-08T19:18:30.765Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-08T19:18:59.772Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-08T19:19:00.772Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2022-12-08T19:19:40.788Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(I cmd, n(s)=2, n(r)=1, p=1, pid=0xf0)MSG# ST FROM TO DATE TIME SIZE TITLE<0x0d>4 PY N0SUS NV4B 16-

2022-12-08T19:19:42.790Z - [0] N0SUS>NV4B-1:(RR res, n(r)=2, f=1)

2022-12-08T19:19:58.799Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(41/43) [NONE]

2022-12-08T19:20:10.814Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=2, p=1)

2022-12-08T19:20:18.817Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(40/45) [NONE]

2022-12-08T19:20:43.825Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=2, p=1)

2022-12-08T19:21:09.838Z - [0] NV4B-1>N0SUS:(UA res, f=1)

2022-12-08T19:21:17.841Z - [0] N0SUS>NV4B-1:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2022-12-09T19:44:40.880Z - [0] N0SUS>KD7IFN:(RR res, n(r)=0, f=1)

2022-12-09T19:45:55.900Z - [0] N0SUS>KD7IFN:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-09T19:46:36.921Z - N0SUS audio level = 93(38/43) [NONE]

2022-12-09T19:47:12.933Z - [0] N0SUS>KD7IFN:(RR cmd, n(r)=2, p=1)

2022-12-09T19:47:48.964Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(39/42) [NONE]

2022-12-09T19:48:37.981Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(37/42) [NONE]

2022-12-09T19:48:45.984Z - N0SUS audio level = 93(38/43) [NONE]

2022-12-09T19:49:01.992Z - [0] N0SUS>KD7IFN:(RR cmd, n(r)=2, p=1)

2022-12-09T19:49:35.008Z - N0SUS audio level = 95(39/42) [NONE]

2022-12-09T19:49:56.017Z - [0] N0SUS>KD7IFN:(I cmd, n(s)=1, n(r)=2, p=1, pid=0xf0)Here is N0SUS.op.A

2022-12-09T19:50:29.028Z - [0] N0SUS>KD7IFN:(RR cmd, n(r)=2, p=1)

2022-12-09T19:50:44.030Z - [0] N0SUS>KD7IFN:(RR cmd, n(r)=2, p=1)

2022-12-09T19:51:00.038Z - [0] N0SUS>KD7IFN:(RR cmd, n(r)=2, p=1)

2022-12-09T19:51:19.046Z - N0SUS audio level = 96(39/42) [NONE]

2022-12-10T20:25:01.481Z - N0SUS audio level = 95(38/42) [NONE]

2022-12-10T20:25:31.495Z - N0SUS audio level = 96(37/41) [NONE]

2022-12-10T20:25:38.499Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(38/40) [NONE]

2022-12-10T20:27:00.510Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(39/44) [NONE]

2022-12-10T20:27:14.517Z - [0] N0SUS>WD4KAV:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:22:38.398Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(39/42) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:23:11.420Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(40/43) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:23:57.452Z - N0SUS audio level = 88(38/44) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:35:41.727Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:35:49.729Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(39/43) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:36:47.780Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(38/43) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:37:05.793Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(38/43) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:38:13.831Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(40/43) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:38:29.838Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(38/44) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:38:33.847Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:39:00.860Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(39/43) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:39:49.887Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:41:11.909Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(39/42) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:41:17.914Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(39/42) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:41:50.944Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:41:54.946Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(I cmd, n(s)=2, n(r)=0, p=1, pid=0xf0)s N0SUS,op.Andy hw?<0x0d>

2022-12-12T16:42:10.962Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:42:28.981Z - [0] AD8JL>N0SUS:(RR res, n(r)=2, f=1)

2022-12-12T16:43:31.006Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:44:11.032Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:44:19.037Z - N0SUS audio level = 91(41/43) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:44:48.050Z - [0] AD8JL>N0SUS:(RR res, n(r)=2, f=1)

2022-12-12T16:45:25.081Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:46:01.103Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:46:04.105Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(I cmd, n(s)=2, n(r)=0, p=1, pid=0xf0)s N0SUS,op.Andy hw?<0x0d>

2022-12-12T16:46:04.104Z - N0SUS audio level = 90(38/42) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:46:23.115Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-12T16:46:45.137Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(38/42) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:46:49.142Z - N0SUS audio level = 89(39/44) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:47:15.158Z - N0SUS audio level = 88(38/44) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:47:22.160Z - N0SUS audio level = 92(12/38) [NONE]

2022-12-12T16:47:47.174Z - [0] AD8JL>N0SUS:(DM res, f=1)

2022-12-12T19:47:34.772Z - [0] N0SUS>AD8JL:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-18T00:00:14.707Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2022-12-20T22:04:14.412Z - N0SUS audio level = 55(24/24) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:04:14.413Z - N0SUS audio level = 51(22/21) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:04:27.418Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(RR res, n(r)=3, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:04:50.423Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(RR res, n(r)=5, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:04:50.424Z - N0SUS audio level = 50(22/21) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:05:05.434Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(RR res, n(r)=7, f=0)

2022-12-20T22:05:05.435Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(RR res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:05:12.437Z - N0SUS audio level = 53(24/24) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:05:19.441Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(24/25) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:05:47.444Z - N0SUS audio level = 48(22/23) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:06:02.448Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=2, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:06:17.451Z - N0SUS audio level = 51(21/22) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:06:56.457Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=2, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:06:56.458Z - N0SUS audio level = 52(23/24) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:06:56.459Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=6, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:06:56.459Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=6, f=0)

2022-12-20T22:06:56.460Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=6, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:06:57.461Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=6, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:06:58.467Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=6, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:06:59.468Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=6, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:08:24.480Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(25/23) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:08:24.481Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(I cmd, n(s)=3, n(r)=1, p=1, pid=0xf0)bye<0x0d>

2022-12-20T22:08:24.481Z - N0SUS audio level = 55(25/23) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:08:24.483Z - N0SUS audio level = 55(25/25) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:08:24.484Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:08:24.486Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=1, f=0)

2022-12-20T22:08:25.486Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(24/26) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:08:26.491Z - N0SUS audio level = 53(23/25) [NONE]

2022-12-20T22:08:27.496Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2022-12-20T22:08:28.498Z - [0] N0SUS>AB0DK-7:(REJ res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2022-12-21T19:58:23.311Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-13:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-21T19:58:44.319Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-13:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2022-12-22T20:18:29.086Z - N0SUS audio level = 56(25/23) [NONE]

2022-12-22T20:18:29.087Z - [0] N0SUS>WT9D:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-22T20:18:44.089Z - [0] N0SUS>WT9D:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2022-12-23T21:29:27.977Z - N0SUS audio level = 50(20/22) [NONE]

2022-12-23T21:29:58.997Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(24/24) [NONE]

2022-12-23T21:30:14.013Z - N0SUS audio level = 53(23/23) [NONE]

2022-12-24T16:47:43.824Z - [0] N0SUS>VE3DTJ:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-24T16:47:58.827Z - [0] N0SUS>VE3DTJ:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-24T16:48:31.832Z - N0SUS audio level = 50(20/20) [NONE]

2022-12-25T20:03:35.332Z - N0SUS audio level = 51(23/22) [NONE]

2022-12-25T20:03:57.337Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(25/25) [NONE]

2022-12-25T20:04:12.343Z - [0] N0SUS>KA0PND-1:(I cmd, n(s)=1, n(r)=4, p=1, pid=0xf0)b<0x0d>

2022-12-25T20:04:25.351Z - [0] N0SUS>KA0PND-1:(UA res, f=1)

2022-12-28T14:14:06.449Z - [0] N0SUS-7>WB5BNV-1:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2022-12-28T14:14:16.452Z - [0] N0SUS-7>WB5BNV-1:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2022-12-28T14:14:57.481Z - [0] WB5BNV-1>N0SUS-7:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-28T14:15:14.490Z - [0] WB5BNV-1>N0SUS-7:(RR cmd, n(r)=0, p=1)

2022-12-28T14:16:18.530Z - [0] WB5BNV-1>N0SUS-7:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2022-12-28T14:16:55.547Z - [0] WB5BNV-1>N0SUS-7:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2022-12-28T14:17:18.809Z - [0] WB5BNV-1>N0SUS-7:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2022-12-28T20:49:23.668Z - N0SUS audio level = 53(23/22) [NONE]

2022-12-28T20:51:26.687Z - N0SUS audio level = 53(22/22) [NONE]

2022-12-28T20:51:52.694Z - N0SUS audio level = 52(23/23) [NONE]

2022-12-28T20:56:48.770Z - N0SUS-7 audio level = 47(13/15) [NONE]

2022-12-28T20:56:51.772Z - N0SUS-7 audio level = 48(16/17) [NONE]

2023-01-01T00:00:09.530Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-01-01T21:45:27.215Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-1:(RR res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2023-01-01T21:47:29.236Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-1:(RR res, n(r)=3, f=1)

2023-01-01T21:47:29.236Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-1:(I cmd, n(s)=0, n(r)=2, p=1, pid=0xf0)s k0shd<0x0d>

2023-01-01T21:47:56.249Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-1:(RR cmd, n(r)=3, p=1)

2023-01-01T21:48:27.270Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-1:(I cmd, n(s)=3, n(r)=4, p=1, pid=0xf0)here is N0SUS,op.An

2023-01-01T21:48:43.283Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-1:(I cmd, n(s)=5, n(r)=4, p=1, pid=0xf0)I was in connect w

2023-01-01T21:48:50.285Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-1:(I cmd, n(s)=6, n(r)=4, p=1, pid=0xf0)ith your system.<0x0d>

2023-01-01T21:49:04.299Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(24/24) [NONE]

2023-01-01T21:49:18.308Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(25/24) [NONE]

2023-01-01T21:49:28.311Z - N0SUS audio level = 51(23/23) [NONE]

2023-01-01T21:49:43.321Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-1:(I cmd, n(s)=5, n(r)=4, p=1, pid=0xf0)/ex<0x0d>

2023-01-01T21:51:25.348Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(24/25) [NONE]

2023-01-01T21:51:36.353Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(24/24) [NONE]

2023-01-01T21:52:27.374Z - N0SUS audio level = 57(25/24) [NONE]

2023-01-01T21:53:44.389Z - [0] N0SUS>K0SHD-1:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2023-01-08T00:00:14.743Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-01-15T00:00:12.357Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-01-15T18:44:15.766Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(24/26) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:44:23.772Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:44:48.785Z - N0SUS audio level = 53(23/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:45:03.787Z - N0SUS audio level = 56(25/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:45:19.794Z - N0SUS audio level = 55(24/24) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:45:22.798Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:45:37.801Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(24/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:45:44.803Z - N0SUS audio level = 53(24/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:45:50.806Z - N0SUS audio level = 56(24/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:46:01.813Z - N0SUS audio level = 51(22/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:46:01.813Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:46:33.820Z - N0SUS audio level = 57(24/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:46:33.821Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM:(I cmd, n(s)=1, n(r)=1, p=1, pid=0xf0)Hi, here is N0SUS,op.Andy...<0x0d>

2023-01-15T18:46:33.822Z - N0SUS audio level = 55(23/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:46:33.822Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:48:38.840Z - N0SUS audio level = 51(18/20) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:48:41.841Z - [0] KB6LFM-1>N0SUS:(RR res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2023-01-15T18:49:02.848Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM-1:(RR res, n(r)=2, f=1)

2023-01-15T18:49:05.854Z - [0] KB6LFM-1>N0SUS:(I cmd, n(s)=2, n(r)=1, p=0, pid=0xf0)102160 BYTES AVAILABLE IN 25 BLOCKS<0x0d>SUBJECT:<0x20>

2023-01-15T18:49:38.865Z - [0] KB6LFM-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:49:41.866Z - [0] KB6LFM-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=1, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:49:48.869Z - [0] KB6LFM-1>N0SUS:(RR res, n(r)=2, f=1)

2023-01-15T18:49:51.870Z - N0SUS audio level = 54(24/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:50:16.873Z - N0SUS audio level = 51(22/22) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:50:16.874Z - N0SUS audio level = 51(21/25) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:50:41.876Z - N0SUS audio level = 55(24/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:50:48.878Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM-1:(RR cmd, n(r)=4, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:50:56.881Z - N0SUS audio level = 51(22/23) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:51:39.893Z - N0SUS audio level = 50(18/21) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:52:14.912Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM-1:(RR cmd, n(r)=4, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:52:21.915Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM-1:(I cmd, n(s)=6, n(r)=4, p=1, pid=0xf0)packet: N0SUS@cx

2023-01-15T18:52:28.923Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM-1:(I cmd, n(s)=0, n(r)=4, p=1, pid=0xf0)info in qrz.com is ok...<0x0d>

2023-01-15T18:52:32.925Z - N0SUS audio level = 52(22/24) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:52:47.933Z - N0SUS audio level = 53(22/25) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:52:50.935Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM-1:(RR res, n(r)=7, f=0)

2023-01-15T18:53:34.954Z - [0] KB6LFM-1>N0SUS:(RR cmd, n(r)=4, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:53:56.964Z - N0SUS audio level = 56(23/24) [NONE]

2023-01-15T18:54:03.977Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM-1:(RR res, n(r)=7, f=1)

2023-01-15T18:54:18.986Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM-1:(RR cmd, n(r)=7, p=1)

2023-01-15T18:54:24.992Z - [0] N0SUS>KB6LFM-1:(I cmd, n(s)=5, n(r)=7, p=1, pid=0xf0)b<0x0d>

2023-01-15T18:52:28.923Z - N0SUS audio level = 50(21/23) [NONE]

2023-01-16T20:48:51.885Z - N0SUS audio level = 52(24/22) [NONE]

2023-01-16T20:48:51.886Z - [0] N0SUS>N0KRQ:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2023-01-16T20:49:06.888Z - [0] N0SUS>N0KRQ:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2023-01-16T20:51:23.923Z - N0SUS audio level = 50(22/24) [NONE]

2023-01-16T20:52:20.936Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(REJ res, n(r)=0, f=1)

2023-01-16T20:52:45.938Z - N0SUS audio level = 57(25/24) [NONE]

2023-01-16T20:52:45.939Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2023-01-16T20:52:51.942Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(I cmd, n(s)=1, n(r)=2, p=1, pid=0xf0)l<0x0d>

2023-01-16T20:54:26.953Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=2, f=1)

2023-01-16T20:54:36.956Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=3, f=1)

2023-01-16T20:54:43.961Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=5, f=0)

2023-01-16T20:54:43.961Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=4, f=0)

2023-01-16T20:54:58.971Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=0, f=0)

2023-01-16T20:54:58.972Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=3, f=1)

2023-01-16T20:54:58.972Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=1, f=1)

2023-01-16T20:55:13.979Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=4, f=0)

2023-01-16T20:54:58.972Z - N0SUS audio level = 52(21/25) [NONE]

2023-01-16T20:55:21.985Z - N0SUS audio level = 48(20/22) [NONE]

2023-01-16T20:55:28.994Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=2, f=0)

2023-01-16T20:55:53.997Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=4, f=1)

2023-01-16T20:56:18.999Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=5, f=1)

2023-01-16T20:56:26.001Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(I cmd, n(s)=6, n(r)=5, p=1, pid=0xf0)Hi,<0x0d>

2023-01-16T20:57:21.006Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(I cmd, n(s)=4, n(r)=5, p=1, pid=0xf0)HNY 2023!<0x0d>

2023-01-16T20:57:46.009Z - N0SUS audio level = 53(23/25) [NONE]

2023-01-16T20:57:46.009Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=6, f=1)

2023-01-16T20:57:47.010Z - [0] N0SUS>KF0GVX-1:(RR res, n(r)=7, f=1)

2023-01-17T14:55:25.278Z - [0] N0SUS>KB2RSK-1:(SABM cmd, p=1)

2023-01-17T14:56:05.283Z - [0] N0SUS>KB2RSK-1:(DISC cmd, p=1)

2023-01-22T00:00:05.745Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-01-29T00:00:09.578Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-02-05T00:00:17.731Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-02-09T14:51:34.800Z - 230209 14:51:27 |N0SUS Incoming Connect from N0SUS

2023-02-09T14:52:09.804Z - 230209 14:52:02 >N0SUS N0CALL WG0A.#MSP.MN.USA.NOAM Ben 55952 Lewiston, MN, USA

2023-02-09T14:52:09.804Z - 230209 14:52:02 >N0SUS WG0A WG0A.#MSP.MN.USA.NOAM Brent 55417 Minneapolis, MN USA

2023-02-09T14:52:09.805Z - 230209 14:52:02 >N0SUS KF9CP WG0A.#MSP.MN.USA.NOAM Paul 55024 Farmington, MN

2023-02-09T14:52:09.805Z - 230209 14:52:02 >N0SUS N0MR N0MR.#NEMN.MN.USA.NOAM Jerry 55616 Two Harbors, MN

2023-02-09T14:52:09.806Z - 230209 14:52:02 >N0SUS N0NKL N0NKL.#NEMN.MN.USA.NOAM John 55601 Beaver Bay, MN

2023-02-12T00:00:03.768Z - N0SUS 1 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-02-19T00:00:03.143Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-02-26T00:00:08.859Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-03-05T00:00:14.078Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-03-12T00:00:13.828Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-03-19T00:00:12.594Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-03-26T00:00:10.245Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-04-02T00:00:19.007Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-04-09T00:00:06.351Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-04-16T00:00:06.583Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-04-23T00:00:16.664Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-04-30T00:00:10.146Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-05-07T00:00:03.403Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-05-14T00:00:08.336Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-05-21T00:00:09.957Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-05-28T00:00:13.673Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-04T00:00:13.450Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-11T00:00:11.057Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-18T00:00:08.085Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-25T00:00:05.535Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.866Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.868Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.873Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.876Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.879Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.888Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.891Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.897Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.917Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.917Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.921Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.931Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.936Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.974Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.980Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:22.985Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:23.008Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:23.017Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:23.027Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:23.056Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:23.061Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:23.067Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-06-26T16:01:23.079Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0

2023-07-02T00:00:06.999Z - N0SUS 0 0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0